Monday, September 10, 2007

pg. 16 - 24

1) The CPU
- uses main memory to perform all the basic processing in a comp.
- consists of 3 components
1) Control unit: handles the processing steps
2) Registers: small amounts of storage space in the CPU itself.
3) Arithmetic/logic unit: does calculations and makes decisions.

- program counter: holds the address of the next instructions to be executed

2) von Neumann architecture
- the idea of storing program instructions and data together in main memory. (first advanced in 1945)

- fetch-decode-execute cycle.
1) Fetch an instruction from main memory
2) Decode the instruction and increment program counter.
3) Execute the instructions

3) Parts on main circuit board
- the CPU is on a chip called a microprocessor
- System clock: sends out an electronic pulse at regular intervals, so that everything on CPU happens on schedule.
- The clock speed tells you how fast the CPU reads instructions. (clock speed: rate of pulses)

4) Networks
- two or more computers connected together so they can exchange info.
- each computer on the network is a file server.

5) Network Connections
- point-to-point connection: two computers close to each other.
- In this connection, every computer is connected to a wire to every other computer in the network.

- In a network each computer has its own network address. (like the address in main memory but for computers!)

- Sharing a communication line is less expensive and makes adding new computers to the network easier.
- but a shared line means delays.
- the computers on the network cannot use the line at the same time. They have to take turns (busy).

- too improve network delay, we use packets (dividing the large messages into small pieces)
- The individual packets are sent across the network mixed up with pieces of other messages sent by other users.
- Packets are put back together to make original message.
*** This “packets” method is faster than waiting in line.

6) Local-area networks (LAN) & WAN
- designed to span short distances and connect a small number of computers.
- Wide-area network (WAN) connects two or more LANs, often across local distances.

7) The Internet
- During the 1970s, a US gov’t organization called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) funder project to explore network technology.

- Result was APRANET, a WAN that eventually became known as the Internet.
- The internet is a network of networks
- the term ”internet” comes from the word internetworking - connecting many smaller networks together.

- In 1983, there was only 600 computers connected to internet, by 2000 there was over 2 million!

- a protocol is a set of rules about how two things communicate.
- the software that controls the movement of messages across the Internet must follow a set of protocols called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)
1) IP software defines how info is formatted and transferred.
2) TCP software handles problems such as pieces of info arriving out of order or getting lost.

- IP address: every computer connected to the internet has this to ID itself among all other computers in the internet.
- Internet address: internet name of computer.

- the first part of an Internet address is the local name of a specific computer. The rest is the domain name. (there are sub domains also)
- Top-level Domain (TLD) indicates the type of organization to which the computer belongs.
- Domain Name System (DNS): Software that translates the IP address.

8) World Wide Web (WWW)
- based on the ideas of hypertext and hypermedia
- hypertext: first used in 1965 to describe a way to organize info. “jumping for one document to another”
- when graphics, sounds, and animation are mixed in we call this hypermedia.

- Browser: a software tool that loads and formats web documents for viewing
- Mosaic, the first graphical interface browser for the web, released in 1993.
- Some people who developed mosaic went on to discover NETSCAPE (today’s browser)

- Web Server: a computer dedicated to providing access to web documents.
- Many of these docs use HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Java can be embedded.

9) Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
- Every web document has this.
- URLs contains several pieces of info
1) protocol: which determines the way the browser should communicate.
2) Internet address of the machine on which the document is stored.
3) the third is the file name

1) In this URL, the protocol is http, which stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol.
2) The machine referenced is www (a typical reference to a web server), found at domain
3) Finally, vision.html is a file to be transferred to the browser for viewing.

10) The Internet vs. The World Wide Web
- The term internet and world wide web do no mean the same thing.
- The internet is a network of computers all over the world.
- The Web is a set of software applications that lets us used the internet to view and exchange programs.
- The Web is not a network, it is a software.

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